Olivia Barone
Editor in Chief
Rhode Island College’s own Choral Ensembles are hosting a series of open choir events throughout the semester wherein RIC students outside of the music department can sing alongside campus’s very own choir led by conductor and assistant professor Donald St. Jean.
The Anchor had the pleasure of sitting in on a session this month to witness the choir in action. We were welcomed with other new students by the music department, quickly absolving any newcomer’s apprehension. Anyone who stumbled upon the music room in the Nazarian Center Friday night was met by melody drifting through its halls and invited warmly inside.

The conductor was accompanied by pianist Michelle Beaton and leading members of RIC’s Choral Ensembles: President Michael Fayton, Vice President Shaylyn White and Treasurer Maija Spence. Additionally choral section leaders: Shaylyn White, Brianna Callahan, Alex Celico and Ben Passarelli.
Open Choral Ensemble offers the opportunity for students to explore their musical talents with like minded individuals and discuss their passions. During this session, St. Jean not only delved into the messages behind the pieces he conducted but offered critique and instruction to students looking to improve. Despite the diligence of he and his choir, the group was lively: laughing and excited about their craft.
To stay in the know and join RIC’s Choir Ensembles for an open rehearsal, information can be found on Instagram. Rehearsals take place in the Nazarian Center, with upcoming dates and times to be announced.
Additionally, keep up to date with RIC’s music department to attend concerts throughout this year from our own Chamber Choir, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and other groups formed by RIC’s talented student body and staff. Conveniently, updates on RIC concerts can also be found on Instagram. Do not miss events like last semester’s Contemporaries and Classics concert presented by the campus Wind Ensemble or the Winter Choral Concert presented by RIC’s chorus and chamber singers.
Music students, casual enjoyers and curious listeners are all encouraged to join RIC’s choir for open rehearsals and become acquainted with the music department. Hoping to bridge the gap between the department and campus, music students and staff are excited for you to join them at their next event.