Lissette Quiñones
Arts & Entertainment Editor

‘Look for too long and it may just pass you by’
We should move on and not trust this valued lie
I stood for a moment and no second was spent alone
You could’ve went roaming but you never left when in rome
Perhaps it was too childish of me to fall for false accusations
A relapse of my wildness, such poor impulses had too strengthened
Its stability was as fragile as broken strands
But still we need to haggle because the omen’s damned
It was damaged as soon as I thought you had left
I felt stranded with my wounds and basked in flesh
Yet you remained with a semblance of togetherness
And proclaimed we are endless and forever rich
But for quite some time I could not abide by such truth
Like seeing the sunrise at the same time the dust blew
Because you spoke of sweetness and I savored the salt in it
I wrote and said it was neatless so the paper would fall adrift
Following its flow which led me to this vanity with you and I
Offering to go amidst the damned deceased and wonder whose alive
More or less, I’d begun to tear apart my pretty face
No warm caress, for I was amongst the dark of a cityscape
Miles and miles stretched out and created constellations of my scabs
Too riled and too wrecked now, it was the greatest complication I’ve had
Speaking as if it’s gone would be talking with a foot in my mouth
Even if I wasn’t strong, you often took over so I wouldn’t die out
I am not the type of person to give up in a crisis
But it was enticing yet hurting so its as if I might be
And yet you stood strong in the eye of such a storm
While I’d forget to look beyond so I would just mourn
Crying as if I was made a member into the crazy world as a newborn
Then someone raised the temperature of a baby girl who was luke warm
Suddenly I came to life and noticed my true self
Somebody made me right when I was hopeless and refused help
Ironically that person was you without acknowledgement
With all honesty, I thought I was endowed with raw toxicants
If it came to us, I wanted to proceed with caution
But I think it’s safe enough to believe you aren’t a toxin
Perhaps your presence all along was a gift of its own kind
You were my blessing and beyond but I insisted no time
So I will take the fault in the mishap of our stop
I escaped it all just to get back to the counter spots
Because I would do it all over again it if meant I would find myself
You were able to show her the amendment of my own health
So for that, know that I Love You for ending this foolery
It's enough knowing I wasn’t independent, cause you were me.