Kaicie Boeglin

Rhode Island College's Latin American Student Organization is once again lending a helping hand. In a collaboration with the Rhode Island Futsal Club, the organizations created a soccer gear, cleat and sneaker drive. The purpose of this drive is to provide soccer gear and footwear to disadvantaged youth in Latin American Countries. LASO's President Brian Villa also adds that this can "provide a sense of unity through sport."
These donations are being accepted all through the semester up through graduation. There are multiple collection boxes for this drive. Boxes for all donations can be found in the student union, the unity center and LASO's office in SU 420. Donations are being collected for not just soccer gear and cleats but sneakers as well. This is worth the mention because sneakers are manufactured with materials that are not biodegradable and therefore unless recycled end up in landfills forever. One pair of shoes can last for a very long time depending on materials and care so why not give an old pair a new life. Saving even just one pair of shoes from going to waste makes a huge impact including the gift of lifting another's spirits and protecting the planet.
LASO is asking for donations that show little to no wear. The qualities that need to be kept in mind when donating are visible wear and overall cleanliness. Sizes and styles are not of importance, however having laces and straps is. Cleats and sneakers with tread are great for tough and rough terrains as well. Donated shoes can also help local and small businesses in Latin countries thrive. One donation could mean a boy's new school shoes, a girl's first chance at playing soccer, a business's next investment, but overall, one donation will mean that someone’s day will be made. Be the reason someone smiles and donate that old pair of sneakers in your closet. Help a child’s athletic dream come true and donate soccer gear to help instill that dream as a goal. One donation equals one life changed – guaranteed.
RIC's LASO was established in 1973 and has been an avid influence in equality across education. The heart of the organization can be found in their student union office SU 420. Any student that is interested in the LASO organization and their direct purpose are encouraged to meet with them in the unity center Wednesdays at 12 p.m.