Lissette Quiñones
Arts & Entertainment editor

Kindness is a weakness so infiltrate the peace
Violence taste sweet-less but you say it is sweet
Blood is like a cherry plastered atop the icing
And love is much too scary after you stop the fighting
Guardians without compensation are volunteers
And the audience who’s watching is contemplating a common fear
Protect and serve the vulnerability of a lover’s fate
By neglecting and hurting them willingly another day
Defense is a coping mechanism so lose the drugs
Or keep them for smoking and the decision of choosing love
Succumbing to the societal disease of peer pressure
Cause loving is an unreliable belief that we’ll be here together
It is an assembly line of robotic creatures incapable of doing
Yet every time such iconic features are sensationally pursuing
Ignoring is ignorance to those with perfect vision
Warning to limit its hopes and make a worthless decision
Mentality is the mind’s process of dealing with details
It ends happily with time, nonsense and the feeling that we failed
It is endless and has a vicious temper, untameable
And pretentious but it is tender so you're not safe at all
Danger is the nicotine for veins and pain is smoke
A chamber that sticks to feens like a stain and claim its soap Cleanliness fades with touch and temptations
Meaning it escapes yet you love the sensation
The ability to have the impossible is such an accomplishment
But tranquility is an obstacle and too much is a consequence
Therefore punishments are kind so rewards are fake
Have fun with it in your mind but you’ll be torn, then break
What falls before your eyes is regret and resentment
Like an assault to stay alive when each breath seems endless
Forever ago, was backbone and now it is spineless
So you measure the growth and what has shown refinements
All that’s clear is the strength in what remains fragile
Fall back in fear at the expense of a painful battle
State that it is peaceful to please yourself when night falls
But break when people leave without help when it’s the right call
Learning is for idiots because a genius has hindsight
The hurting that affiliates is its meanest when the time’s right
Yet time has no perception of the peace so it isn’t powerful
At nine the seconds are deceased, not knowing where the hour goes