Isabella Santoro
Photography Editor

It doesn’t take a moment
Or even a fleeting second
It doesn’t take a single day
Or a week you think will never end
It takes a lifetime
The memories of what is not buried
But simply sitting on the surface
What can never truly be put to rest
It doesn’t take talking to someone
Who’s paid to listen to your shit
The one you air your dirty laundry to
The mess that always stays the same
It takes forever and a day
The feel of being crushed under his weight
To fade into a simple haunting of touch
A ghost that stays close to your heart
It doesn’t take a swimming pool of tears
That you’ve cried into your dusty pillow
One that you can simply drown in
Where you float but can never paddle
It’s a shallow grave of despair
That sits for eternity
Waiting for you to surrender
And sink into the dirt