Mel Rising Dawn Cordeiro
Managing Editor

No, it’s not the Ghostbusters, you “bad boys, bad boys.”
Wednesday’s “RIC Night Out” event saw our campus police, in conjunction with Student Activities, connect with the RIC community. Joining RIC’s Police Department on the quad that night were the Army National Guard, the Army ROTC, the Rhode Island State Police Department and the Providence Police Department.
The “RIC Night Out” event featured information tables about the National Guard and the Army ROTC. The state police department served hamburgers and hotdogs, courtesy of the Donovan Dining Center, and Del's Lemonade. There were many activities to participate in as well. Those in attendance got to dunk a police officer, climb a rock wall, play cornhole and view a demonstration of the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt, which featured a battered car that was flipped and rolled on demand. Also on display was a police motorcycle and RIC police car for everyone to explore. Civic Engagement had a presence on the quad too. A table was set up to help students register to vote before this November’s election.
Sergeant Steven Edward Courvielle and his partner Officer Prince, a young Clydsedale, of the Providence Police Department Mounted Command, greeted students, faculty and staff. Officer Prince stole the show, with his vibrant personality as students, police officers and passers-by alike stopped for a photo with the curious, personable and lovable draft horse and his equally lovable sergeant. Having a friendly police presence allowed for some to begin to dispel their fear of horses and police officers alike.
“We are here to demystify the stigmas,” said Rayvn Bevely, director of Student Activities. “This Night Out is a good way to remind the community that police officers are human, too.”
It wasn’t simply about the officers handing out food and giving high-fives; it was about interacting with the community. A number of the officers and National Guard members joined students in games of cornhole, dunking officers and climbing the rock wall.
RIC’s Night Out served as a reminder that “blue lives matter,” since officers are also humans who work hard to protect the communities they serve. As intended, this event built a relationship between law enforcement and the RIC community.
*Editor’s Note: I would personally like to offer a special “thank you” to our campus, local and state police officers, as well as the members of our National Guard and armed forces for the difficult job they have. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.