Raymond Baccari

The next couple of weeks are filled with several events hosted by RIC Student Leadership and Civic Engagement. These events allow those participating to network, bolster their resume and more.
“These student leadership and civic engagement events are absolutely easy and enjoyable ways for students to (1) learn new things, (2) build skills to enhance effectiveness, (3) add credentials so a resume, (4) provide opportunities for students to meet other RIC students, and (5) get regular, detailed campus involvement updates from staff along the way,” Kristem Salemi, Director of the Student Union said.
She added, “There are so many valuable and engaging involvement opportunities for students on campus – all they have to do is show up and the rest will follow!”
First on the calendar is the Student Leadership & Civic Engagement open house on Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This open house will take place in the Student Union lobby. Following that is the emerging leaders program. The program is a six-week workshop series on Friday’s from Sept. 30 to Nov. 4 in Student Union 307. At the end students will get a program certificate on Nov. 18 – an accomplishment that is resume-worthy. Students interested in signing up for the program can do so here.
Also during that time period is a five-week series starting on Wednesday, Oct. 5 called “Mindfulness for Student Leadership.” Students can learn both formal and informal mindfulness practices throughout the five weeks by presenter Angela Viphakone Stanley, a RIC ‘16 and ‘21 graduate. The sign-up form for this series is available to everyone in the RIC community.
These events go beyond multi-week programs. Maybe a student wants to set up an event of their own at RIC. On Oct. 19, they can learn how to market and organize their events by registering here. This event hosted by RIC Student Leadership and the American Marketing Association will take place in Student Union 307 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. One week before, on the quad, is a civic engagement opportunity fair. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 12 several non-profits are offering volunteer opportunities to RIC students.
Salemi encourages students who want to participate in any of these events or have any questions to email her at ksalemi@ric.edu.